Tips to prepare CDS/OTA(2) Examination 2021.

These days are full of risks, stress, and pressure on every human mind. But the candidates who are facing these things in this lockdown situation, I will give you some tips to prepare for the upcoming CDS/OTA(2) Examination 2021. You don’t have to worry about the examination, I am sharing points on how to tackle this situation and get focused on your exam. Firstly, the dates of CDS/OTA(2) are on 14-11-21(Sunday) and the online registration starts from 04-08-21 up to 24-08-21. As we can see from the dates, you all have approximately 4months for preparation. So buckle up guys let’s crack the exam, you just need to follow some steps :

Start studying: You guys have to set the time and start studying, you just start first with 1hr then you increase time slowly-slowly as much you can sit to study. I am not telling you to just stick with books throughout the whole day but at least 4-6 hours/day.

How do we plan for the exam: So planning for the exam is like we do in our school days like first we study this subject then this and then others, but here we have only three subjects. We can schedule like this Mon-Tues = Maths, Wed-Thurs = General English, and at last Fri-Sat= General knowledge. Now we have Sunday, on this day you just revise what you have learned during the week.

Understand the concept, don’t mess up: At the next level you need to understand the concepts, most of people have difficulties in Maths but don’t panic you just need some focus to understand the concept then you will be a topper in Maths.

Keep practicing: We know the subjects are a little difficult but you have to practice them till you are fully confident about it. 

Revision time: As we know you have at least 4months to prepare for the exam. At least 5-10 days before CDS/OTA(2) you just need to revise the syllabus and important key points.

One of the most important things in this lockdown while you are preparing the examination. You should also be physically fit, start exercise daily at home, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water. If you are physically fit you will be stress-free and focused. After clearing the CDS Exam you get a call for an SSB interview. You have to prepare for the SSB interview which takes your five most important days.

Stay Home 

Be Safe

Let’s Crack it